Which tree you belong to

The Celtic Zodiac is based on the cycle of the moon with the year divided into 13 lunar months, each associated with a tree. The 13 tree - months each correspond to a tree. It is believed that human race originally descended from the trees. Each tree has a particular magical quality. In ancient India, the Saint and great teachers, who studied the science of planets and practiced astrology, found names of Gods to worship each planet. Consequently, the names of Gems and Trees and other methods to please the God were also discovered

Find your birthday and then find your ‘tree’. You will know what you are really like

Jan 01 to Jan 11 - Fir Tree May 01 to May 14 - Poplar Tree Sep 03 to Sep 12 - Weeping Willow Tree
Jan 12 to Jan 24 - Elm Tree May 15 to May 24 - Chestnut Tree Sep 13 to Sep 22 - Lime Tree
Jan 25 to Feb 03 - Cypress Tree May 25 to Jun 03 - Ash Tree Sep 23 - Olive Tree
Feb 04 to Feb 08 - Poplar Tree Jun 04 to Jun 13 - Hornbeam Tree Sep 24 to Oct 03 - Hazelnut Tree
Feb 09 to Feb 18 - Cedar Tree Jun 14 to Jun 23 - Fig Tree Oct 04 to Oct 13 - Rowan Tree
Feb 19 to Feb 28 - Pine Tree Jun 24 - Birch Tree Oct 14 to Oct 23 - Maple Tree
Mar 01 to Mar 10 - Weeping Willow Tree Jun 25 to Jul 04 - Apple Tree Oct 24 to Nov 11 - Walnut Tree
Mar 11 to Mar 20 - Lime Tree Jul 05 to Jul 14 - Fir Tree Nov 12 to Nov 21 - Chestnut Tree
Mar 21 - Oak Tree Jul 15 to Jul 25 - Elm Tree Nov 22 to Dec 01 - Ash Tree
Mar 22 to Mar 31 - Hazelnut Tree Jul 26 to Aug 04 - Cypress Tree Dec 02 to Dec 11 - Hornbeam Tree
Apr 01 to Apr 10 - Rowan Tree Aug 05 to Aug 13 - Poplar Tree Dec 12 to Dec 21 - Fig Tree
Apr 11 to Apr 20 - Maple Tree Aug 14 to Aug 23 - Cedar Tree Dec 22 - Beech Tree
Apr 21 to Apr 30 - Walnut Tree Aug 24 to Sep 02 - Pine Tree Dec 23 to Dec 31 - Apple Tree


Apple Tree

Is the tree of perfection, the love link that unites nature with mankind, filled with love. It is one of the seven sacred Celtic trees. The Celtic calendar has only two fruit trees...one is the Apple and the other is the Fig. Apple individuals are of slight build, kind, and faithful & have lots of charm. They have pleasant attitude, are adventures, sensitive, and want to love and be loved, have many talents and love children. A person who "lives for today," the Apple individuals are a carefree philosopher endowed with imagination who dream about an untroubled life with no division. Apples are excellent mediators, their moral tolerance being beyond reproach. They have scientific talents and are blessed with intelligence, brilliance and gift of communication. They surprise others with their multidimensional aspects, talents and interests.

Ash Tree

Uncommonly attractive, egoistic, Often easily influenced by others, the Ash individual can be low on self-confidence and may become isolated. They are highly adaptable, intelligent, talented, a reliable partner, faithful & dependable. They are prudent lover, impulsive, demanding & can recover from almost any emotional blow. They do not mind criticism, use brain more than heart needs love and lots of emotional support. Ash individual tends to be more impulsive and demonstrative when it comes to emotional relationships. They need love and lots of emotional support.new perceptives and attitudes enhance their creativity and satisfaction.

Beech Tree

They have good taste & are practical, capable, enterprising, active, spontaneous. They have clear thinking and steadfast in the face of adversity. Their steadfastness is really impressive. Struggles but not disappointment, failure but not frustration & they are never demoralized. They have excellent quality of leadership & good organization. They know how to deliver and can be good administrators. These people are supportive, protective and possessive. & Have a tendency to strive for perfection. They are really industrious and care deeply for their family, friends & relatives. They are easy going & prefer not to take any risk in life or career. They also make a wonderful life companion.

Birch Tree

Birch individual are attractive, elegant, modest, has a more impulsive and emotional nature. They possess clarity of purpose combined with a visionary nature. Such people are inclined to be more objective & extrovert. They are aesthetic and artistic and add silent grace and harmony to the environment. The positive traits of these people are displayed by their resolve or faith in themselves in overcoming all obstacles, thereby being more tenacious in pursuing their objectives in life. Birch individual possesses clarity of purpose combined with a visionary nature. They love life in nature & create a calm, content atmosphere. They have finesse and grace, smoothening all human relationships beautifully.

Cedar Tree

Whose motto is "Moral Greatness" or "The Confidence. Cedar individuals are often possessed of rare beauty. They are talented, sweet, gentle, impressive, healthy, frank, confident & romantic. They are more outgoing in nature and temperament. These people are also more inclined to become public figures who seek to educate or instruct people in the arts. They have a rare strength, often impatient, like to impress others & have the power to take quick decisions. They are perfectionist and do not like others interfering with them. They function best in an individual capacity and spend time mediating and rejuvenating their energy.

Chestnut Tree

Individuals are charismatic, creative and full of innovative ideas. Chestnut individuals usually possess unusual beauty and a tendency to be overly critical of themselves. With no desire to impress and with an inherent distaste for falsehoods, Chestnuts are blessed with a well-developed sense of justice. Being multi-talented people, they possess an ability to adapt easily to any change in circumstances. They are prone to love only once in their lives and often experience great difficulty in finding a partner. They have a well-developed sense of justice. They are vivacious by nature and very diplomatic, but tend to be sensitive in company and easily driven to irritation, which can be indicative of a lack of self-confidence.

Cypress Tree

Individuals are strong, muscular and adaptable, taking what life has to offer but don’t necessarily like it, Content and optimistic. Cypress individuals have a tendency to be quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic and careless. They are frank, outspoken and undiplomatic. They are dynamic, forceful and assertive while making new beginnings at work and soft, gentle and loving in personal matters. Cypress people crave money and acknowledgement and hate to be lonely, although they are prone to pursue independence. They are passionate individuals, with a love, which is difficult to satisfy, but are nonetheless faithful. They have a basic commitment to truth and therefore can be highly unconventional.

Elm Tree

Elm individuals are usually pleasantly built and are fond of tasteful clothes. They prefer a luxurious & a comfortable life style. Their demands are modest and they are practical by nature. They refer to lead rather than serve. They are noble-minded, generous, cheerful, and practical. There is a tendency to be unforgiving of those who make mistakes, but they are otherwise cheerful. They are humorous by nature. They are tolerant & refer to make decisions for others. They act as good arbitrators. They prefer to keep a low profile, even in high positions & status. They are good mediators & arbitrators.

Fir Tree

Fir individuals have extraordinary taste, dignity and sophistication. They love anything that is beautiful, but tend to be somewhat moody and stubborn. They are very strong willed, have good sense of humor, & handle stress well. . They are ambitious, of practical talent & intelligence, talented, moody, stubborn, egoist but caring for those close to them. They do not prefer contradictions, arguments & differences with anyone. . Fir people tend to make many friends and equally as many foes...but are very reliable in character. They are stubborn amounting to egoism but are very possessive about the people they like.

Haselnut Tree (Extraordinary)

Hazel individuals are charming, undemanding and often extremely understanding...they know how to make a good impression. They possess a childlike seductive charm and attractive personality. They retain youthful looks throughout life. Being honest and tolerant, with a precise sense of judgment, they are usually popular people, but can make for moody and capricious partners. With friends they are loyal, giving and expecting total dedication. They can not tolerate any injury to their pride, whether real or imagined. They have tremendous mind power and intuition, but are a masterly tactician.

Hornbeam Tree

Hornbeam individuals are very consciences, possess a cool beauty and exquisite taste & prefer a reasonable and disciplined life. Although Hornbeams are concerned about their appearance, they are far from egotistical. They like their reasonable and disciplined lives to be as comfortable as possible. Hornbeam people look for kindess and acknowledgment in an emotional partner, though they are seldom happy with their own personal feelings, They do not trust anybody & are never sure of their decision. They never foget a kindness, and repay it graciously and completely, when the occasion arises. Their actions are straight and direct as also their talk.

Lime Tree

Intelligent, hard working & have lively and analytical minds, possess a great deal of imagination and are radical and idealistic thinkers. They accept what life dishes out, but not before trying to change bad circumstances into good ones. They are flexible, hates fighting and stress & are always willing to make sacrifices for family and friends. They want the limelight, want the center of attraction. They are creative and excited by all aspects of creativity. They are agile, fast learners when it comes to any activity. They are moody, emotional and go through ups and downs, which affects their professionally creativity, output and personal relationships.

Maple Tree

Maple individuals are far from ordinary and they enjoy what is unknown, strange and even hostile. Maple people are full of imagination and originality, inclined to stand out in a crowd due to their willpower and sense of commitment. They take things seriously and personally to such an extent that they worry more than is necessary and end up feeling exhausted and nervous. They admire those who clearly assert themselves and rise eagerly to any challenge. Maple people are full of imagination and originality, inclined to stand out in a crowd due to their willpower and sense of commitment. Maple people have many complexities & love relationships of Maple individuals tend to be complicated affairs.

Oak Tree

In general, Oak individuals are enterprising people with a refreshing breadth of vision. They are determined, self-motivated, enthusiastic and responsible. Possessed with a high degree of personal magnetism, Oaks make for natural leaders with a great deal of integrity and find it easy to attract and inspire others

Oak individual is more inclined to take financial risks. They make personal commitments, which cannot be easily consolidated. On a more positive note, these people possess strong natural powers of leadership and the ability to rise above the human vices of greed or avarice. There is an element of self-sacrifice inherent in them. These individuals are generally more flamboyant by nature and can be somewhat glory seeking in character. Nonetheless, Oak is a creative individual who is generous of spirit with an instinctive sense of survival.

Olive Tree

Olive natives Love warmth and kind feelings, are romantic loving in personal relationships. They are reasonable, balanced, calm, tolerant & avoid aggression and violence. They have a high degree of physical magnetism and are cheerful, calm, sensitive, empathetic, free of jealousy and love to read. They spend a lot of time talking, discussing and turning things over for their content and validity. They like variety but the focus is on priorities. They are confident, honest and aesthetic with plenty of self-esteem and a broad outlook. They can not tolerate any restrictions or limitations.

Pine Tree

Pine individuals are very robust and active, Hard working, & idealist. They like freedom from all limitations. Endowed with plenty of mental energy they tend to be workaholic overextend themselves physically. They make good friends, & easily fall in love. They are emotionally soft, needs constant affection and reassurance. They face many hardships & disappointments in life. There are frequent changes in their life. They are open, receptive and readily inspired by new ideas. They take time to choose their best and take no time at all when they like something.

Poplar Tree

Polar individuals are talented, not very confident but courageous in adverse circumstances, need goodwill and pleasant surroundings. They have artistic nature, are choosy and often lonely. They are good organizer & tend to lean toward philosophy. They have loads of compassion for people in trouble. They have a magnetic quality, drawing people towards them. The life of a Poplar individual is made of judicious transactions and all manner of exchange. They are prone to mature very quickly and assimilate things equally as quickly.

Rowan Tree

Also known as "The Service Tree. Rowan individuals are full of charm, cheerful and talented without being egotistical. They are highly creative, talented, intense, multifaceted and generally successful in professional, business and personal aspects. They like to draw attention and basically love life, even its complications. Somewhat restless, Rowans are both dependent and independents. They possess excellent taste, are artistic, passionate and emotional,. Rowan people make for good company but find it hard to forgive what they perceive to be transgressions. A sensitive, worrying temperament has bearing on their state of health. They are on their top of things when they maintain their inner and outer balance rather than tossed around by emotions.

Walnut Tree

Walnut individuals are unrelenting, considered somewhat strange by many and full of contrasts. Often egotistical, Walnuts are aggressive and noble with a broad horizon. Their expansive vision widens their outlook, horizon, and prospective. They are unexpected and spontaneous in their reactions with little or no flexibility. Walnut people possess unlimited ambition and they are a born strategist. Walnuts will accept and endure a multitude of troubles in order to satisfy the desire for pleasure. An uncompromising character, the Walnut individual will undertake a project with inexhaustible perseverance. They often face blocks, rules, and regulations in personal and professional matters.

Weeping Tree

In general, Willow individuals are basically articulate, strong-willed, resourceful and possessed with excellent memories. They express likes, dislikes and emotions without reservations. They Likes to be stress free, love their family life & are full of hopes and dreams. They enjoy meeting new people and variety is the spice of their life. They love anything beautiful and are musically inclined. Willows have a type of passive tenacity and can be extraordinarily wise counselors and extremely nurturing parents who are protective of loved ones Willow individual tends to more inclined to sudden mood changes and displays more unreliable character traits.

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