Buying property

Heard of Mukesh Ambani’s Antila ? Yes, we are talking about world’s costliest property in Mumbai built by world’s third richest man Ambani scion Mukesh Ambani. Its worth Rs 4000 crores and took several years to be built and was “Grah Pravesh” was also conducted in early 2011. But the Ambanis’ are shifting yet. The dream house is lying vacant and Mukesh Ambani is quietly consulting top astrologers in the country what to do with the house.








Is the Antila inauspicious ? Isn’t the right time to shift ? Was it built on right place and keeping all aspects in mind ? These are several such questions are haunting the Ambani senior who cannot live in a house built after so much effort. Any lessons learnt ?

Having a house of his/her own and live in peace is everybody’s dream. But is it possible for everyone? Some build their own houses but unable to enjoy due to various. And some enjoy the fruits reaped by others for generations.

Vedic astrology can help you know whether buying property is possible and one will be able to enjoy the fruits of labour. Your birth details, your kundali or horoscope is the key. Your Kundali indicates the probable period of owning or purchasing a house/land or rent a house.

An astrologer can give advice on land and property on the basis of planetary conditions and dasha system, favorable or unfavorable times, whether commercial or residential, institutional or farm land, astrlogical advice is a must. There are families whose properties in prime locations are locked in litigations and all litigants are residing in rented houses. One is lucky to enjoy the fruits of property whether built by ancestors or self.

We at will suggest you unique and effective remedies which will reduce malefic effect of planets in all property related matters. 

When to purchase property?
What property to be purchased ?
Whether Vaastu was done?
Whether you are renting a property?
Whether my property will be safe ?


Consult us for property issues CLICK HERE

Our Predictions


Rahu Kaal July 2024

RAHU KAAL means Bad Time during the day (Avoid doing anything during this brief period)

Panchang July 2024

Panchang July 2024

Sign of the Month : Cancer

Sign of the Month : Cancer

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Monthly Forecast for July 2024

Monthly Forecast for July 2024