Monthly Forecast for July 2024

 Attention: Kindly note that these are general and broad predictions based on planetary movements and placement of stars in houses applicable to millions of persons across the world having the same sun sign. For precise predictions for individuals, your precise time, date and place of birth is needed. We will make your horoscope and conduct detailed analysis. Contact us to know your future in 2024

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Our Predictions


(March 21-April 19 )
(April 20-May 20)
(May 21- June 21)
(June 22-July 22)
(July 23-August 22)
(August 23-Sept 22)
(September 23-October 22)
(October 23-November 21)
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Capricorn
(December 22- January 19)
(January 20-February 18)
(February 19-March 20)


March 21 - April 19

1st to 7th July -Between 1st & 3rd you could be drawn in some controversy.  Financial activities will take most of your time. Your confidence will be shaky.  Between 4th & 5th things may come on proper wheels. You will improve the impaired work. Cooperation with your spouse will help you gain better health and mental peace.  Between 6th & 7th Good news about your kids may cheer you up.   Don’t let any naysayers dictate your path. Explore alternatives, but stay committed to your dreams and goals.

8th to 15th July - Between 8th & 11th despite funds coming, you may not be in the mood to save, which is a crucial task for a rainy day. Some long pending dues will also be cleared. Between 12th & 13th be careful in your work as even a little lapse may cost you clearly. You may pass through a very trying phase.  Keep your expenses in check.  Between 14th & 15th your social life will be wonderful, especially when you spend time with family and loved ones. If you feel like taking a spontaneous trip or doing something fun together, go for it!

16th to 23rd July - Between 16th & 18th those who are trying to get job may get good offers.  Your allowances and other facilities may get a raise.  Between 19th & 21st Love relations may become bitter.  Relationships will be tested, along with loyalty and trust.  Tensions around an old issue will resurface, causing conflicts to increase with family.  Between 22nd & 23rd   a penny saved is a penny earned! Investments that were made previously will start to yield good profits.

24th to31th July - Between 24th & 26th making self-care a priority will help keep rising stress levels under check. Straining yourself will cause heart and blood pressure issues to flare up.  Between 27th & 28th in business you will be enthusiastic because of some good order or getting a good deal. But between 29th & 31st you may get cornered by troubles.  Avoid hasty moves, impulsive decisions, and rash speech during this sensitive period


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April 20 - May 20
1st to 7th July - On Between1st & 3rd you’ll have a gainful period your achievements will be admired and you'll get honour.  At home your opinion will carry weight. Between 4th & 5th it Marriage proposals in the family will be finalized. Jobseekers, by correcting their course, will manage to magnetize their high-paying employment offers.  Between 6th & 7th Avoid unnecessary haste and impulsiveness in anything you attempt now. Be balanced, grounded, and practical in all that you do and stay safe! 
8th to 15th July - Between 7th & 8th an outward journey is possible. May go on journey connected with your business deals. Be wary of making any financial deals with the strangers. Between 9th & 11th Students will earn praise for their outstanding academic performance. Unnecessary conflicts will disrupt your plans to spend peaceful time with loved ones. Between 14th & 15th you'll feel quite tired and exhausted.   Booking some healing or therapeutic sessions will speed up the recovery process.
16th to 23rd July - Between 16th & 17th Striking conversations in the right networking circle will land job-seekers on a high-paying employment. Freelancers will back their ideas with solid plans, to rope in generous investors. Between 18th & 19th during this time you can get good news of admission at a renowned institution. In such a situation, especially those who are dreaming of going abroad to study, there are bright possibilities of converting your dreams into reality. Between 20th & 21st there can be disputes with somebody.  Keep a distance from the company of bad persons and stay away from bad habits. Between 22nd & 23rd Due to Jupiter being placed in the twelfth house with respect to the moon sign, you need not take any risk associated with money. Although there are conjunctions of getting financial benefits from several sources, you need to prepare yourself for everything before making any investment.
24th to 31th July - Between 24th & 25th your romantic feelings at the moment are dominated by hope and optimism, but if your dreams are not fulfilled it is all too easy for you to become disillusioned.Between 26th & 28th some major responsibility may come on your shoulders.  For couples, a relationship will swiftly turn official with a promise of marriage. Between 29th & 31st   you will feel driven to look for new, but promising, money-making opportunities. Those planning to buy property will get beneficial deals. However, avoid giving into the temptation of impulsive buying, as expenses will double up 

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May 21 - June 21

1st to 7th July- Between 1st & 3rd govt. officials will cooperate with you to have your all pending jobs duly completed. You may have new contact in the political circles. Time to make tough decisions!, channeling your  energy in the right direction will help in breaking away from current financial constraints.   Between 4th and 5th, you are encouraged to explore new ventures in your career, but be patient as things develop. Remember, a seed takes time to grow into a tree. Between 6th & 7th in matters of love, you may face decisions at a crossroads. Trust your heart's desires and avoid compromising your values or settling for less than you deserve

8th to 15th July- Between 7th & 8th you will be vigilant to seize an opportunity to enhance your earnings. Real estate deals will give good returns. Between 9th & 11th a long drawn-out conflict which has cast a shadow over your affairs could now be settled. Working relationships are more closely under the spotlight than any other, so it is here that the greatest effort may be required.  Between 12th & 13th career or professional matters could be going through a rather disappointing phase. If so, the reason is that your hopes are now meeting really head-on, while the solution for most problems lies in a change of prospective.  Between 13th & 15th steady progress on the academic-front will give the students added confidence to do better.  Your social skills will assist you in getting positive attention from the other side. Be honest and clear about your intentions; you will see that the conversation will be smooth and deep.

16th to 23rd July- Between 16th & 17th a rare opportunity for professional advancement may arise, rewarding your hard work and dedication. By fostering harmony at home, you can expect appreciation from your family members. Between 18th & 19th you may go out for some knowledge enhancing program me. Students will do well. You will take career related decisions with a lot of thinking and with the advice of your friends. Between 20th & 21st a new project may give you some quick money.  Partnership business will also prove productive.  Between 22nd & 23rd Ensure you continue the disciplined professional life and give the best at work. Stay away from office politics. Despite the multiple challenges at the workplace, you will succeed in handling critical cases and will get accolades from the seniors.

24th to 31th July- Between 24th & 25th politically you may have to eat dirt. Do not swim against the tide; take time to tie up the loose ends.  Between 26th & 27th health may be indifferent.  Concerns over your well being shall rise this week as you are likely to suffer from some viral infection. Taking this into consideration, you need to trade cautiously and take proper preventive measures against the same. Between 29th & 31st you may receive some unpleasant news to intensity your tension.  For those involved in a meaningful relationship, tough times await you, as there will be instances which might affect the future.


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June 22 - July 22

1st to 7th July- Between 1st & 3rd your PR sphere will grow.  Mental worries will be considerably lessened.  Your voice and abilities will influence people greatly during this phase.  Between 4th & 5th your persistence in achieving your fitness goals will come to fruition. Must be careful not to overdo things and remember to take adequate rest to avoid burnout.  Between 6th & 7th is the time to make the direct approach in all matters. Do not hold back in false humility or unnecessary hesitation. 

8th to 15th July- Between 8th & 10th May get good job opportunities.  Your renown and fame's graph may take an upward swing.  In the field of education you will also achieve great results.  Between 11th & 13th family peace will be severely disturbed. You will have to incur medical expenses for your spouse, although the health concern will be general in nature.  Between 14th & 15th do not lose your temper during arguments and try to pamper your partner. Some females will find the relationship toxic and suffocating and may walk out of it

16th to 23rd July- Between 16th & 18th Students who are pursuing language related courses are very likely to get benefits. Those appearing for competitive exams or screenings for government job will be successful in their attempt. On 19th & 20th Keeping control over your temper will ensure peace and harmony at home. Living to the expectations of family will keep you under constant stress. Between 21nd & 23rd Your hectic activity may not allow you any time for yourself  but your efficiency and abilities will be praised by your seniors. Your willingness to explore unchartered financial territories will bring unexpected windfall.

24th to 31th July- Between 24th & 26th period is lucky for students, as they will get a chance to go to the desired place and study the desired subject.  This is a good time for taking   long term academic/professional decisions.  Between 27th & 28th tide may turn adverse. Follow rules and regulations in their spirit and be willing to interpret them liberally, if humanitarian considerations require so.  Between 29th & 31st act with prudence, lest your simplicity may be misconstrued as your weakness.  Be careful not to express your emotions.


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July 23 - August 22

1st to 7th July - Between 1st & 3rd May face insult or ignominy.  If your efforts are met with undue resistance; do not give up; look for alternate approaches that can help you to find your way right through the obstacles. Between 4th & 5th you may not receive expected help from your relations. Avoid unnecessary controversies and ego tussles, as they will only be an unnecessary drain on energies and resources. Between 6th & 7th the benevolence of Jupiter shall bless you with a lot of opportunities to make financial gains. You shall become really strong to experience a sense of monetary security that will persist. 

8th to 15th July - May get good information between 8th & 10th.  Your enhancing political chart in the government circles or in politics will make you happy and tension free. Your cherished work will be easily accomplished.  Between 8th & 10th projects or relationships   begun during this period may tend to fall in disarray; so back off for a while, and take a careful second look before taking major decisions. On 14th & 15th quality counts more than quantity during this period. Handle legal matters with alacrity and due diligence.

16th to 23rd July - The period between 16th & 17th will give you mixed results.  Love relations will keep you engaged.  Excessive expenses may keep you a bit tense.  Between 18th & 20th using all your abilities you will manage to enhance your profit. Increased income through rental property or any passive income streams will put you into a better financial position.   But between 21st and 23rd you'll face problems.   Do not bend rules to suit the comfort of other highly placed persons, as you will be the one to face the heat, if things go wrong. Avoid discussing sensitive topics with anyone, as people may be more touchy than usual, and may take offence, even when none was intended.

24th to 31th July - Between 24th & 26th you might not be in the mood to work. You may feel like doing something creative or something different which you do not do regularly.  Most of the time will go in balancing your mood. Between 27th & 28th there may be excellent opportunities to make progress in your studies Retaining concentration can be a challenge but the influence of the planets can bring positive changes and help you in your educational pursuits. Between 29th & 31st there will be some fierce agreements and disputes with your beloved ones.Much more compromise will be required to keep the relation moving.


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August 23 - Sept 22

1st to 7th July - Between 1st& 3rd there will be some excellent opportunities for growth and some teething problems testing your patience and skills. The period around the week end is likely to have marked impact on your career. Between 4th & 5th your plans may need to be modified to comply with regulation. Have the courage to take some hard decisions if reality demands so.  Handle legal issues carefully and objectively. Between 6th & 7th during this period the impact of stars will help you to improve the condition of your health and fitness in general. If you have been facing any health issues, you will finally eliminate the existing problems.

8th to 15th July - Between 8th & 10th if you are in relationship, you won’t be still ready to give a long-term commitment to your partner and that might cause some doubts about the future of your relationship. Between 111h & 13th you may have to introduce modifications in your plans to suit the preferences of influential persons.  It is better to have modified version of your plans cleared   rather than having the whole idea dropped. Between 14th & 15th your inner peace will sharpen your intelligence.  Religion and spirituality will rivet your attention.  The elders will also bless you.

16th to 23rd July - Between 16th & 18th you are likely to face some challenges in your education in the beginning of this week. But you may require hard and sustained efforts to get desired success.  it will be favourable to studying new skills, variety of subjects and extracurricular activities as well. Between 19th & 21st the period will be quite trying.  Work will develop hurdles. You may suffer loss in partnership business.  Your haphazard working style will add to your troubles.    Between 22nd & 23rd new job opportunities will be unveiled.  May receive help and support from unexpected quarter.  Hidden opportunities for a stable job offer will surface for job seekers.

24th to 31th July - Between 24th & 26th your energy levels may get disturbed and you may have a lack of appetite; which may result in weakness. But, you will regain your vitality as the week progresses. Feeling suffocated! Make some space! For peace to prevail, make sure the boundaries are firmly marked on the personal- front.   Between 27th & 28th you are most likely to give yourself an energy zap. Parties will be all fun and entertainment. Your kids will bring home joy and pride and this will brighten the mood even more, Between 29th & 31st North Node is likely to bring some complex situations at your work place. But the auspicious impact of Venus indicates that your financial strength may increase gradually. In your studies, you are likely to step up your efforts and prove your talents.


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Sept 23 - Oct 22
1st to 7th July - Between 1st & 3rd the impact of planets will force you to take extra care of your health. This can be a hectic phase hence you need to adjust your lifestyle so that you can improve on the health status. Your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health will depend on how you manage your stress levels.  Between 4th & 5th is good period.   You may pass some time in entertainments.  Your occult science's studies will fortify you as much as to face any circumstances with confidence.  On 6thand 7th There is a possibility of some problems in your love life due to misplaced emotions. There is also a possibility that you may even not be serious about your equation. Refrain from new relations as well as new social associations in haste.
8th to 15th July -  Between 8th & 11th singles will find their promising prospects through a new social circle or connection. Students appearing for examinations will be content with their results. Put your travel plans up for review to scan for any unwelcome surprises or hidden charges.  Between 12th & 13th words would bring enemies, though not intentional the outcome will be like that. So think patiently & filter your words. Between 14th & 15th despite expenses your budget will remain stable.  Your health may get disturbed and you may have a lack of appetite which may result in weakness.
16th to 23rd July -  Between 16th & 17th Connect and Express — these are the two things you must aim for at work.   But all this work aside, the lingering feeling of wanting to chill out with your sweetheart may become more substantial. Between 18th & 20th you will think twice before spending You shall try to save your money by bargaining too. You are a person who looks for balance in everything you do, and as planetary positions are supporting your 'balancing' attitude, you shall find balance even in your finances. Between 20th & 21st you may have to go out in connection with your work.  In a marriage function, you may meet some VIPs who will prove very helpful later on.  Between 21st & 23rd you will be able to make some action-oriented plans. As the days go by you will be clearer about how to achieve your goals and hence the pace of your financial progress is likely to start picking positive momentum.
24th to 31th July - Between 24th & 26th your health may get disturbed and you may have a lack of appetite which may result in weakness. If you are doing business, you must not make any hasty moves to expand the business.  Between 27th & 28th higher studies and spiritualism may draw your attention.  Professionally your meeting someone influential will help you immensely in future.  Between 29th & 31st watch your words and measure your steps carefully, to avoid unnecessary issues during this sensitive period.  This is a great time for reunions and for setting right errors of the past. Old associates may come knocking in with exciting offers.

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Oct 23 - Nov 21

1st to 7th July - Between 1st & 3rd there could be laborious assignments.   Unless the works are properly handled and supervised, one has to face severe consequences. Channelize your energies productively along safe channels to get optimum results. Between 4th & 5th there will be some visible opportunities to grab amid obstacles and stiff resistance. If you are doing business, it is really important to consolidate position as it is not an ideal time for any big move. Between 6th & 7th you'll enrich knowledge.   Success in exams is also expected.  You will be relieved of stress and worry that has been a cause of concern for a long time.

8th to 15th July - Between 8th & 11th you may have differences with your relations but soon they'll be removed.  Have the intelligence to avoid unnecessary ego tussles with anyone.  Between 12th & 13th do not force change just for the heck of it; jumping headlong into situations without making a realistic assessment can prove to be your nemesis. Between 13th & 15th Health may also not remain good. Prioritize self-care Listen to your body's whispers, nourish your soul with rest and rejuvenation, and indulge in activities that replenish your vitality. Balance is key to radiant health.

16th to 23rd July - Between 16th & 17th you create a friendly work environment, no matter where you are. But all colleagues don't want the best for you. Watch out for jealousy.  Between 18th & 19th you may feel a bit exhausted and tired. Avoid short tempered outbursts against anyone.   Between 19th & 21st may get good opportunities for professional growth.  This is a great time for research and learning activities, and for devising business strategies.  Between 22nd & 23rd a creative thought or an innovative idea may spice up your routine work. Apparently, you may seem all worked up and disorganized, but actually you may be quite systematic when it comes to your work.

24th to 31th July -  Between 24th & 26th you may be judgmental and over-analytical; however, you should be cooperative rather than competitive. It’s better not to have any doubts about the companionship. It’s time to clarify all your doubts to flourish the matters of the heart.  Between 27th & 28th Vexatious legal issues can be brought to satisfactory conclusion, by adopting a refreshingly new approach and by relaxing hopelessly rigid egoistic stances. Between 29th & 31st there may be mistakes and rectifications. You may want to stick to your own plans that differ from your colleagues or teammates. You will, however, understand that your efforts were in the wrong direction. In such case, you might have to re-do your work.


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Nov 22 - Dec 21

1st to 7th July -  Between1st & 3rd Concentrate and give your full attention to your studies as you have enough planetary support now. This could be the time to prepare yourself for higher growth in your studies. Between 4th & 5th your health may see a few ups and downs. You are also likely to suffer from both physical and psychological issues if you do not take due care. Between 6th & 7th It is advisable for you to stay calm while taking important decisions. If you have confessed your love to your loved one, you are likely to get a positive response during this period

8th to 15th July - Between 8th & 11th Students may not feel that much interested in their study during this time, and may feel directionless as well. There may be some complications or disruptions. They need to focus and It is advisable for them to do meditation to improve their concentration.  Between 12th & 13th your professional approach will bring you much appreciation, especially in the way you handle complicated problems. The way you balance people’s opinions will help you make many friends. Between 14th & 15th religion, spirituality and other world related issues will figures in your mind.   Do not let irritability or egoistic urges impel you to do things that you may regret later.

16th to 23rd July - Between 16th & 17th you'll remain busy in strengthening your PR work and shall gain popularity. There are chances that your friendship may get turned into a relationship during this time. Between 18th & 20th you are likely to experience many ups and downs regarding matters about your family and children.  Take extra care of your children’s education and guide them in their studies. . Encourage your children to strive hard for better results. Your support is of paramount importance to them. Between 21st & 23rd it is going to be positive in terms of finances. But, you need to make sure you don’t loosen the purse string too much. This is going to be a phase during which you might get carried away and commit to long-term relations.

24th to31th July - Between 24th & 26th the stars are favourable for matters pertaining to heart. If you are in a relationship, your partner will be more affectionate and loving towards you and that might make you feel happy.  You will have ample support to make progress in your studies but at times your reckless approach may not allow you to get the results that you desire and deserve.  Between 27th & 28th though, major health issue is foreseen, be cautious of minor health issues and avoid overexertion, which will become a cause of low energy levels. You will not at all be in a mood to go extra mile for anything or anyone. Between 29th & 31st be very careful with your words, a small thing can lead to a big issue between you and your family members. Try and have an understanding attitude towards each other. Disputes regarding property and house might arise but try and solve it very calmly.


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Dec 22- Jan 19

1st to 7th July - Between 1st & 3rd do not trust people blindly on financial matters as you may get cheated. You may also invest in property or speculative business but ensure you do proper homework before making a crucial decision.  Between 4th & 5th you need to try and focus if you want to move ahead on the career path. You need to self-analyze whether you are in the right career field.  Between 6th & 7th it is necessary to prevent oneself from being overwhelmed by the desire to turn back and doubt one’s worth. Do not think about the past because it cannot be changed, and concentrate on the current situation.

8th to 15th July - Between 8th & 10th in spite of troubles at work spot, apathy of higher-ups and secret inimical activities of your foes, you will not be disturbed professionally.  You must try to get the support and goodwill of your subordinates for success at work field. Between 11th & 12th Health may cause problems.  Carve out time to put your batteries into “rest mode” for health to function well.  Be guarded while moving out. Between 13th & 15th   entrepreneurs will step out of their comfort-zone, and take the risk to expand into new terrains.  Those working towards an incremental boost to their status or pay-grade will see tangible results now.

16th to 23rd July - Between 16th & 17th you should focus your energy on solutions rather than focusing on others or worrying too much about the chaos around you. Businessmen may witness their competitors going ahead of them.  Between 18th and 20th you should think twice before speaking. Stay away from negative people or anyone who gets the worst out of you. Do not tolerate aggression or rude behaviors in any relationship. Between 21st & 23rd you’ll get good money inflow.  Wise spending and investment are suggested. Old investments will strengthen your financial position.  In spite of   proper diet and physical exercise, sickness may attack, which will require medical treatment.  You may also experience physical strain.

24th to 31th July - Between 24th & 26th your cherished dreams may be realized.   Hard work will pave way for your success.  You will get official favours. You would be helped and benefitted by those on power and authority. Between 27th & 28th if you are associated with the sports world, then there is a possibility that you may be honored with the winning trophy. A happy atmosphere with the family will remain intact.Between 29th & 31st you will be more positive than you think and you will get opportunities to meet positive people. This will give you chances of financial gain in business. Every member of the family will be with you in every decision. You will find your life partner standing in front of you at every turn.


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Jan 20 - Feb 18

1st to 7th July - Between 1st & 2nd, you'll enrich your knowledge and learn something new in the process.  Avoid taking extreme postures regarding any matter and be as balanced as you can, in your approach to all situations.  Between 3rd & 4th vibes of co-operation and harmony will be felt making this a good time for resolving vexatious issues by consultation and negotiation. Between 5th & 7th Students and youth may deviate from their goals. Students preparing for exams and competitions may get distracted from their studies. If you are in a love relationship, then make any big decision carefully; otherwise, you may regret it later.

8th to 15th July - Between 8th & 11th you can hear some good news from the children’s side. The respect of people associated with political-social work will increase. The obstacles coming in the life of working women will be removed. New sources of income will be created. Between 12th & 13th your strategies during this period should have the right mix of cautious approach and adventurous spirit. Do not go overboard in any directions. Between 14th & 15th loved ones may have pertinent remarks to make about current situations; leading them a patient and attentive ear can prove beneficial to you.

16th to 23rd July - Between 16th & 17th some property related issues may crop up but you are advised not to take any final decision at this juncture. Halt all plans of reselling or liquidating any assets for the time being.  Between 18th & 19th Avoid trusting someone too much; otherwise, you may have to suffer financial loss.  Avoid making a big noise about it before implementing your plans in the workplace; otherwise, your opponents can hinder it. Between 20th & 21st those in public life and official positions must be responsible in their public utterances, to avoid unnecessary flare ups.steer clear of   controversial topics as it will put you at crosswords with seniors.  Between 22nd & 23rd you will have to deal with some domestic problems. During this time, a loved one may stand against you. The effect of all these things will be seen in your work as well. However, you do not need to be too disappointed because this situation will not last for long.

24th to31th July - Between 24th & 26th Heat related problems may disturb you.  You need to devote more time for ensuring good health during this phase.  Avoid working over time.  Between 27th & 28th any giant professional leaps to switch career will result in success. Any moves against rivals will result in the victory for entrepreneurs. Between 29th & 31st travelling is possible which may be for a celebration also. Your spontaneous yet heedful nature will lead you towards a rewarding travel experience.  A love alliance will reach an official status for singles.



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Feb 19 - March 20
1st to 7th July- Between 1st & 3rd you'd have quite peaceful times; things will be done timely, suggestions coming from the most unlikely of sources may prove to be money- spinners.  Between 4th & 5th you'll have to work against your wishes.  You'll find all roads leading to success getting closed on you.  Act with tact and patience to let this phase pass. Between 6th & 7th   Success in test or interviews is expected owing to your fine performance.   Stars will inspire artists to take the plunge and monetize their talents.
8th to 15th July- Between 8th & 9th there will be opportunities for buying and selling land, buildings, etc. Vehicle enjoyment is also possible. During this period, you may have to spend more money out of pocket to purchase luxury items. Between 10th & 11th you will get an opportunity to participate in some auspicious events. While taking any big step, you will get the cooperation and support of your entire family including your parents. This time will also prove to be auspicious for the students preparing for the examination competition. Between 12th & 13th you may receive wealth through legacy.  Enemies won't be able to damage your interest. Health may get a bit disturbed. Between 14th & 15th things may not be good. Hard work, bad health due to some addiction, mounting expenses will trouble you.  Be positive and act with patience. 
16th to23rd July - Between 16th & 17th Work with prudence will enhance your confidence. Technocrats will get particularly good results. Focus on working along with others rather than against them. Between 18th & 19th Profit and gain in whatever you do and an honour from the state is expected.  Avoid radical financial moves just for the heck of it.  Between 20th & 21st problems at the work place may crop up.  Professionally it will be a tiresome period.  Focus on approaching issues with the right approach rather than trying to take short cuts to ensure results. Between 22nd & 23rd Mounting expense may upset you a bit.   A keen look at your budget will set forth a correcting course for the next few weeks.                                                                          
24th to 31th July - Between 24th & 26th job-oriented efforts will be successful.  Promotion can be expected.  Higher officials will appreciate the execution of work assigned to you. Between 27th & 28th Expect material gain, but in small sums only. In spite of obstacles, you will forge ahead and promote your business.  Between 29th & 31st   people could be more sensitive than you realize; avoid   indulgent   critic or passing careless witty remarks, as things can snowball into unnecessary issues during this time.

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