Monthly Forecast for December 2023

Attention: Kindly note that these are general and broad predictions based on planetary movements and placement of stars in houses applicable to millions of persons across the world having the same sun sign. For precise predictions for individuals, your precise time, date and place of birth is needed. We will make your horoscope and conduct detailed analysis. Contact us to know your future in 2020

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Our Predictions


(March 21-April 19 )
(April 20-May 20)
(May 21- June 21)
(June 22-July 22)
(July 23-August 22)
(August 23-Sept 22)
(September 23-October 22)
(October 23-November 21)
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Capricorn
(December 22- January 19)
(January 20-February 18)
(February 19-March 20)


March 21 - April 19

1st to 7th December - On 1st and 2nd you will find yourself in a much more relaxed mindset. You may tend to overindulge with your eating habits and maybe prone to minor gastric ailments. Between 3rd & 4th your superiors will praise you. Exalted Moon will make you more ambitious. Your abilities will influence people greatly. Between 5th & 7th your heart is likely to rule your head. You will be driven by your moods feelings and sentiments. Most of the decisions will be based on your emotions, instead of your reason and experience.  Do not allow your emotionality to enter your professional activities.

8th to 15th December - Between 8th & 10th family peace will be disturbed.  Fatigue and uneasiness may upset you enough to make you not discharge your duties efficiently whose consequences you’ll suffer.  Between 12th & 13th you will achieve great results in the field of education. You’ll get due reward for your hard work. This is an ideal time for you to indulge in studies and research work. On 14th & 15th If you have children, and then they are more than likely to make you proud with their achievements.   They will also understand the importance of burning the midnight oil and that there are no shortcuts to success, as what you sow is what you reap!

16th to 23rd December - Between 16th & 17th be wary as a little carelessness may blot your career. Be on the lookout for unscrupulous elements   who may try to trip you down.  Between 18th & 20th change in conditions and circumstances is expected. Setting new goals you'll make efforts to achieve them. Gains from friends are also likely. Between 21nd & 23rd Worries may mount. You could be saddled with some additional and vital responsibilities. 

24th to 31st December - Between 24th & 26th do not try innovations just for the heck of it, especially if things are going great for you.  Unnecessary experimentation is as harmful as meaningless addiction to old methods. But from 26th to 28th be prepared to take a few calculated risks and try a few unconventional ideas during this period.  From 29th to 31st despite much hard work, you'll not get any commensurate result.  You will have to work with much caution and prudence to achieve your end. 



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April 20 - May 20

1st to 7th December – Between 1st & 3rd you now have the sufficient energy to overcome all the obstacles and challenges that you encounter. However few such issues may arise which will need a lot of your time and energy, leaving you drained and strained upon resolution. Between 4th & 5th you could be drawn in some controversy.  Professionals suffer from clouded thinking partly as a result of electromagnetic smog. You may take a wrong decision with respect to your career. Between 6th & 7th some long standing worry may vanish. Good time for taking long term academic decisions. Success in tests and interviews is assured.

8th to 15th December – On 8th   and 9th things could be very fluid and there could be last minute disruptions. It is important for you to have some back plans in place, just in case things turn turtle unexpectedly. Between 10th & 11th some big responsibility could be given to you.   It is best to keep away from an issue that doesn’t concern you. Between 12th & 13th you may have short and quiver involvements with attractive strangers. You will be able to convince them easily with your charm and sugar coated talks. But do not expect these involvements to lead anywhere. Between 14th & 15th this is the time to separate yourself from people who are no longer serving you or are incapable of serving you! This is a big step in balancing the finances. You will be rewarded soon and that too monetarily for this business tactic. 

16th to 23rd December – Between 16th & 17th be careful in your work as even a little lapse may cost you.  You will need to be at your wittiest best to counter someone’s allegation.  Between 18th & 20th you may pass through a very trying phase.  Keep your expenses in check. There will be some unexpected expenses coming up and you need to be prepared. Mars and Mercury are forming a not so great combination in the money house and that is making your financial status a little volatile.  Between 21st & 23rd you will try to upgrade your skills, so that you can get more and more opportunities. Career-related changes can also come up and that should be reviewed. 

24th to 31st December – Between 24th & 26th some solid achievements gained now will show their effect throughout your life. Auspicious ceremony at home is likely. Between 27th & 28th those who are trying to get job may get good offers. Your allowances and other facilities may get a raise.   Between 29th & 31st your warm and sympathetic attitude will lure others to you. You will give a helping hand to colleagues at the workplace. 


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May 21 - June 21

1st to 7th December – Between 1st & 3rd   could be a period of confusion and chaos. There may not be much clarity regarding money matters. You are likely to have anxiety about the same. Between 4th to 5th your mind will be lost in various thoughts; thereby you lose the power of discrimination.  Discuss your concerns with trusted and knowledgeable well wishers and act on those instead of just worrying about your concerns. Between 6th & 7th go for spiritual contemplation and exercises to free yourself of the worries and mental pressure. You will find better ideas and communications will improve. There will be new business ideas, but still, you need to be a little slow. 

8th to 15th December – On 8th & 9th an outward journey is possible. You will enjoy your travels to the hilt. Possibility of overseas travel is there.  New contracts and social work will prove advantageous.  Between 10th & 11th for those who are married may cheer up on a personal fulfillment, may be like completing another year of togetherness or may have a new baby born in their family. For those of you who are unmarried seem to get approved of their relationship from the family, who have been strongly opposing against you since long. Between 12th & 13th intuition will prove to be a more reliable guide than logic during this period. A sudden brainwave may help you to find solution to vexatious issues. On 14th &15th there will be more focus on family matters as the fiery planet Mars will be influencing your family matters. You will be having plans to relocate or traveling. Mars is not an ideal planet to represent family matters, so you need to be very careful. There will be some arguments regarding your attitude.

16th to 23rd December – Between 16th & 17th Long trips can come up, but there can be some obstacles, so you need to have a better plan. You will be working with people from foreign lands too. Between 18th and 19th avoid crossing swords with influential persons/authority figures even if you feel genuinely aggrieved. Bid your time, and wait for the right moment to extract your justice.   Between 20th & 21st you'll have peaceful time.  But endeavours won't be duly rewarded.   Don’t give credence to those who tattle. Despite putting your heart and soul in the current assignment, you are unlikely to derive full satisfaction. Between 22nd & 23rd your domestic responsibilities will swell which may appear rather taxing.  Expenses will mount. 

24th to 31st December – Between 24th & 26th there will be an eventful family and personal life.  Venus will be majorly triggering your family matters and family functions can come up. Venus indicates a luxurious life as well, so you will try to improve your family environment.  Between 27th & 28th ensure   that you are armed with the facts and figures pertaining to your field of activity, before making important presentations. Between 29th & 31st you may have to cut corners to fit everything in the budget.  Too many responsibilities at work may leave little time on your hands. Take care of your health as well; else you may have to go to the medical clinics. 


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June 22 - July 22

1st to 7th December - Between 1st & 3rd you will become clever in taking decisions and will even be more courageous while defending them. High officials will prove very helpful.  Between 4th & 5th Your PR circle will widen. You will most likely fix most of your relationships that were in a hanging state for a long time. Between 6th & 7th you will do unexpectedly well in studies.  Conventional strategies and realistic approach will be better in all matters during this period.  

8th to 15th December – Between 8th & 9th be balanced in your approach to all matters and take care to analyze any situation from all angles.  Blinkered vision and too much focus on only certain aspects could lead to missing out on certain cues from your environment and lead to missed opportunities. On 10th & 11th Favorable trends will confer both short term and long term advantages on you. You will be able to deliver even in the face of time pressures.  On 12th & 13th Students need to get the right push to further their learning curve.  Avoid undue haste & attempt to corner, as this could prove counter –productive. Between 13th & 15th Spend time re-appraising plans and introspecting on current events, so that you can priorities your time and resources in tune with practical developments. 

16th to 23rd December – Between 16th & 17th postpone all important job, avoid confrontation with anyone since it is not a favourable period for you.  Between 18th & 19th you may go out for some knowledge enhancing programme.  Students will do well.  Between 20th & 21st look for the facts in hand rather than the images in mind. Be realistic and patient in your approach to all matters. Between 22nd & 23rd excessive work load followed by stress can bring down your energy level. Pay attention to minor ailments and joint pains.  

24th to 31st December – On 24th and 25th there is a threat of stress building up and affecting your health. Hanging around people who are spiritually centered will have a beneficial effect. Between 26th & 27th try to establish yourself in the current position firmly, before attempting to expand the range of your activities. Between 28th & 31st you'll have good romantic escapades. Change is in the air, due to an out and out attraction you feel for someone special whom you have only recently met. Some very intense feelings could surface and may take you by surprise.  Exercise abundant caution behind the wheel, if you happen to be driving vehicles during this time.

July 23 - August 22

1st to 7th December – Between 1st & 3rd some confrontation with a family member or among them may upset you much. You will feel quite remorseful about your misbehavior with someone.  Between 4th & 5th you may have to work hard, even for small things.  Do not waste time in aimless pursuits. Between 6th & 7th your enemies will be subdued as you will gain upper hand over them. Your financial status will look up.  You will engage in charitable activities. 

8th to 15th December – On 8th & 9th your healthy lifestyle will help you recover from your physical problems. Yoga and having positive thoughts will play big role in keeping you healthy.  On 10th & 11th time should be utilized for re-appraising plans, tying up loose ends in current strategies, and for maintaining the tempo established on earlier days. Between 12th & 13th Journey is possible. Your leadership attitude could be mistaken for high handedness. You will need to react fairly quickly to new situations.  Between 14th & 15th your inner peace will sharpen your intelligence.  Religion and spirituality will rivet your attention.  

16th to 23rd December – Between 16th & 17th the period will be quite trying.  Work will develop hurdles. Your haphazard working style will add to your troubles. Between 18th & 19th Success in any competition/exams/interview will cheer you up.  Sky is the limit in terms of what you can achieve, if you direct your energies along the right channels. Between 20th & 21st   is a good period for joining hands with likeminded others to handle common issues.  Keep sentiments and irrational feelings at bay while taking crucial decisions. Between 22nd & 23rd is an energetic alignment that favours direct action and adventurous decisions. You will be able to overcome the challenges of your competitors. 

24th to 31st December – Between 24th & 26th It is high time you started fresh dialogues and made new contacts. Be diplomatic in your interactions with authority figures. Between 27th & 28th home situation will be unsatisfactory.  Conjugal harmony will be disturbed. Be discreet about your affairs and do not let outside influences create havoc in your personal ties.  Between 29th & 31st beware of unscrupulous persons, who may try to pull the wool over your ryes and leave you stranded.  Do not believe anything that seems too good to be true. 


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August 23 - Sept 22

1st to 7th December – Between 1st& 3rd your health can be slightly down, as there is too much activity. You need to slow a little down and nourish yourself with a proper diet. On 4th & 5th all your plans and schemes will be a non starter.  You may not receive expected help from your relations. Loggerheads with colleagues must be avoided at all costs.  On 6th & 7th students who are planning to go to foreign universities will succeed in their efforts.  This is a time to display some ethics in whatever you do and you should not take any risk with your existing opportunities. New opportunities can also come up, but take them only after deep research

8th to 15th December – On 8th & 9th you will be able to regulate unnecessary expenses. You will be making some plans to expand your creativity. These projects can bring you profits also shortly. New hobbies and expansion of existing hobbies can also come up.  Between 10th & 11th currently favorable stars have taken charge of your professional front. Your cherished work will be easily accomplished. On 12Th & 13th you may get distracted by some problems in relationships but try not to get bothered by it, every difficult phase shall pass and there is a bright morning after a stormy night. On 14th & 15th extra responsibilities may be entrusted on you, transfer or deputation to another place is not ruled out. 

16th to 23rd December – The period between 16th & 17th will give you mixed results. You should not get into any arguments in any relationship. They can go aimless and that can put you in trouble. Between 18th & 19th those in jobs may face threat of downgrading.  Hence it is advisable to exercise caution in all areas of profession. Between 20th and 21st you feel jittery and restless as conflicting thoughts and feelings push you toward contradictory conclusions. You aren’t able to think straight, let alone make choices you can trust. Between 22nd & 23rd students will succeed by dint of their merit. They will succeed by their hard work and faith in God. This is a great time for metaphysical activities and creative pursuits.  

24th to 31st December – Between 24th & 26th Any concern you have about your debt or credit rating will need to be addressed realistically. Instead of allowing any feelings of anxiety to take over, realize that it's time to develop a plan. If you focus on doable, strategic steps to handle your finances, you will be on your way to ensuring long-term security and responsible budgeting. Between 27th & 28th Family-peace and happiness is indicated. Love relations will cheer up.  Beloved may have rendezvous with their lover. If in service, you may get transferred or promoted to your desired position.  Between 29th & 31st this will be a challenging time as you can have emotional outbursts too. You have to manage your communications; otherwise, arguments can come up. There will be multiple responsibilities as well.


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Sept 23 - Oct 22

1s1st to 7th December – Between 1st & 3rd you'd have quite peaceful times. Great things can be accomplished now, provided you avoid impulsive moves and hasty decisions.  Between 4th & 5th you'll have to work against your wishes.  Act with tact and patience to let this phase pass. On 6th & 7th Success in test or interviews is expected owing to your fine performance.  You will realize some of your hidden talents.   You must use them to achieve even the impossible targets. 

8th to 15th December – Between 8th & 9th you have to be very careful with your relationships. You will have different needs, but that may not go well with your partners. This is not a great time to plan for any new partnerships. Progress in the affairs of   children will be marked. Between 10th & 11th in spite of your best affairs at home, you may not avoid domestic disturbances. You may not regulate your expenditure. Between 12th & 13th the sense of insecurity you feel would invoke worry, indecisiveness, depression and fearfulness in you. This would keep away the beauty and harmony of your life for a short while although you tend to be a perfectionist, unnecessary delays from your part will bring unnecessary delay in attaining the benefit. Between 14th & 15th your health requires special attention. Balanced diet, physical fitness activities will prevent you from health breakdown. 

16th to 23rd December – Between 16th & 17th Working with prudence will enhance your confidence.   Intuition will prove to be a more reliable guide than logic during this time. Between 18th & 19th you are more capable of helping friends and loved ones, who are dealing with some crisis. Intimate relations are intensified now. Between 20th & 21st pangs of inexplicable anxiety may trouble you now; discuss your concerns with trusted well wishers to distress yourself.  Between 22nd & 23rd problems at the work place may crop up.  Loggerheads with colleagues   must be avoided at all costs. Students in advanced research or psychological studies will do extremely well. 

24th to 31st December – Between 24th & 26th your all job-oriented efforts will be successful.  This is a great time for giving finishing touches to your research reports.  Between 27th & 28th you'll have good time with your kids and family. Servants and subordinates will be a source of happiness and help. Take a short vacation to spend some time with your family. Between 29th & 30th Situations at work could be much to your liking and allow you to recover much ground.  You may affect a change in your working style..


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Oct 23 - Nov 21

1st to 7th December – Between 1st & 2nd you'll feel rather uneasy and like to complete your work quickly but delay and procrastination wouldn't be avoided.   Between 3rd & 4th a bonus for the studious students through Jupiter is assured.  Be quality conscious rather than quantity conscious in all that you do now.  Those who are aspiring for abroad studies, might proceed positively further. Between 5th & 7th Avoid important decisions for the present. Look for the facts in hand rather than the images in your mind.  Avoid committing yourself to long term arrangements in haste

8th to 15th December – Between 8th & 10th be on your guard about behind the scene activities. Your inability to express yourself fully may lead to some misunderstanding with your close ones.  You should try to clear the same without compromising much in the process. On 10th& 11th if there is a two way pull between domestic and financial commitments, give more importance to domestic concerns.  Between 12th & 13th loved ones may be under the weather now; do what you can do to cheer them up. Between 14th & 15th you would do well for yourself if you could be more objective. Do not jump to conclusions. If there is an opportunity in front of you, you will be rather vulnerable. Think carefully on the subject and this may throw light and give you confidence to decide in a beneficial way

16th to 23rd December – Between 16th & 17th period may not prove ideal for those in committed relationships. Chances are that the two of you may have a falling out. You are advised not to burn down bridges in the process. Between 18th & 19th do not do anything, just because you got an impulse to do that. Many times what we decide in anger or frustration may turn against us. Between 22nd & 23rdyou will be in a mood to exercise your power of positive thinking. Emotions may bother you to some extent so be careful and do not look back at abandoned values and relationships. The focus is on future. You will earn the respect of those around you while you do all this 

24th to 31st December – Between 24th & 26th you may be saddled with some important responsibility. Keeping a low profile & doing your entire task should be your focus. Between 27th &30th legal and corporate issues must be handled with care, even if things seem poised for a smooth settlement.  Between 28th to 31st your hunches based on past experience will prove spot-on in all matters; when in doubt switch back to tried and tested methods.  This is a time for working on winning solutions to existing issues 


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Nov 22 - Dec 21

1st to 7th December – On 1st & 2nd your creativity will help you implement your plans effectively and work devotedly to see objectives now more clearly and ways to get where you want to go, using dependable plans and the assistance others can provide. On 3rd & 4th your patience and integrity would be severely tested.  If in service you will have to take on an increased workload.  Between 5th & 7Th be careful not to do anything that may make you lose yourself worth.  Be very prudent with your spending and watch your habits. 

8th to 15th December – On 8th & 9th you may have to display an unusual degree of patience as a prelude to gaining something you value professionally.  Rely on natural build up of events as there is little doubt that the balance will swing your way Between 10th & 11th Matters of the heart will create a romantic alliance .You will be is a sociable mood. Members of the opposite sex will attract you. They may also help you in more ways than one. Do not try to use them; their help will be available anyway. Between 12th & 13th Dealing with new themes will be beneficial. It will be in your hands to grasp the opportunities. Encash the good time as much as you can.  Between 14th & 15th your mental energy will be high. You must also be prepared for changes.  Great time for initiation into new spiritual mentors. 

16th to 23rd December – Between 16th & 17th Romance related planets are powerful. so it is good time to have romance with your beloved one. Your desires may become strong at this time. Your love life will blossom only if you keep misunderstanding and doubts away. Trust your partner and you will get the best in return.  Between 18th and 19th you should eschew debates and heated discussions, lest they breed enmity. Your interactions with others may be partially motivated by fear. If you are afraid that someone is trying to control you, then you clearly do not understand the other person's true motivation.  Between 20th & 21st do not be overconfident about the results of your efforts. Destiny can play strange tricks. Keep close to reality. Watch the development of the next few days before you decide on other thing. Between 22nd & 23rd Profession will demand single pointed concentration. There will be several occasions when arriving at worthwhile decisions will require intense dialogue centering on far reaching decisions.    

24th to 31st December – Between 24th & 26th you may start a new creative venture. Your mental energy will be high.  You must also be prepared for changes. Business will gather momentum and you’ll do all your work with your tact and prudence easily.  However, you may not like working against your ideals and principles.  Between 27th & 28th older or more experienced persons will have valid points to raise regarding your current activities; heed their well meant suggestions for your own benefit. Between 29th & 31st you are rather serious about romance and might seek ways to stir up interest within an existing relationship or head out to look for a new one. But your somber demeanor could get in the way of your goals. Nevertheless, a sudden awakening could change everything in an instant. If you are struck by the truth now, don't fight it.

Dec 22- Jan 19

1st to 7th December – Between 1st &3rd you may go on a long journey – even abroad – as well.  Excessive expenses may also occur. During this period you may also do higher studies or research work in total freedom. You will be drawn in social or global issues. Between 4th & 5th you may start thinking of opening a new venture.  Combining creativity, public relations and concrete action will bring you rich rewards. Between 6th & 7th you   will succeed in your educational pursuits.  Your talents and skills will be recognized. 

8th to 15th December – Between 8th & 11th be patient in service and professional matters. Don’t entrust your job to subordinates, lest you suffer damage.  Between 12th & 13th you are likely to find yourself struggling to garner support for matters concerning your career. These issues may keep you on your toes. However, you must continue to work hard and not give up. Between 14th & 15th you'll remain busy in strengthening your PR work and shall gain popularity. Although a play-it-by ear is your best bet at the moment, long term planning will soon become an absolute necessity.  

16th to 23rd December – Between 16th & 17th you must keep yourself cool and act thoughtfully. Despite your capabilities, you’ll wander a little because you don’t know which direction you should advance in.  Between 18th & 19th you'll try to enhance your social status and prestige.  You may be unable to spend quality time with your beloved, and that is more than likely to hamper your peace of mind. Singles are likely to meet someone interesting during this phase. Between 20th & 21st many of you will be able to achieve a breakthrough and bring around an official or key person to your way of thinking in spite of various pressures in the background. You’ll devote time in revising your decisions and improving them where the need be. 

24th to 31st December – Between 24th & 26th Mutual relations with all will be very warm.  Change will bring a new tang to your life.  Journey if undertaken within this period will prove productive. Between 27th & 28th you'll feel rather uneasy and lethargic. All your plans will remain non-starter.  Rest and prepare yourself for future commitments.  Between 29th & 31st you will rise on the strength of your merit. You’ll enrich knowledge. Success in exams is also expected.


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Jan 20 - Feb 18

1st to 7th December - Between 1st & 3rd   is a contradictory period for you.  You need to make some important changes in the rule you live by, but the very prospect leaves you paralyzed and withdrawn. This is actually part of healing yourself and finding your inspirational sources again. Between 4th & 5th Dispute with relations & senior officials may surface.  Children may add to your worries. Keeping a low profile and working should be the focus. Between 6th & 7th your plans to keep earning while pursuing further studies may not work out well. Although you may concentrate on your studies and have been preparing well, it might not work out well. You might have to work harder 

8th to 15th December – Between 8th & 11th period will be full of clashes and confrontation. People may misconstrue your noble intentions.  Between 12th & 13th Financial gains may come through communication. Some of you who are into accounting and commerce will do well.  Between 13th & 15th   salaried employees are likely to face a challenging phase in their career. You may have to seek support from others to get through your task smoothly. Also, if you do not take due care of yourself, a persisting ailment could worsen and disrupt your routine.

16th to 23rd December – Between 16th & 17th with grit and determination, you will achieve even the impossible targets. However, be careful in financial matters as a little callousness can have severe consequence. Between 18th & 19th it is an ideal time for higher studies and research. You are likely to struggle to seek admission at a reputed institute/ university. It would also be wise not to apply for a visa during this phase. You would have to put in hard work to do better in your school or higher education for the desired result.  Between 19th & 21st may get good opportunities for professional growth.  Things are likely to be tricky in terms of career and business. You might face delayed promotion even if you completely deserve. You might have to work extra hours in helping out to complete your colleague’s assignment. Between 22nd & 23rd you will most likely fix most of your relationships that were in a hanging state for a long time. Physically you will also feel sound. However, regardless of the general positivity of this period, be attentive to what you say and what you do. 

24th & 31st December – Between 24th & 26th you may go out on a journey. Though hazards will be more but you'll derive profit from your travel.  You can have differences of opinion with your superiors. Watch your words, while dealing with them.  Between 27th & 28th if you have major projects in mind for implementation, time is appropriate.  This is good time for scheduling, training lessons, learning activities, and for devising long term business plans. Between 29th & 30th December   sticking to old methods without a rationale will make you stale, while trying to usher in change, just for the heck of it can upset well settled rhythms and prove counterproductive. Your plans must have the best of both tradition and innovation.


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Feb 19 - March 20

1st to 7th December - Between 1st & 3rd you can breathe a sigh of relief. A long drawn out project comes to an end. Someone lends a hand when you most need it. Or you finally get to put your feet up and relax after a phase of hectic activity. Between 4th & 5th you may pass some time in entertainments. Your occult science's studies will fortify you as much as to face any circumstances with confidence. On 6th & 7th make peace a priority in the days ahead. Forgive, release, detach, move on and accept things as they are, rather than how you’d like them to be. And the moment you do that, you open yourself to a host of new opportunities that may be coming your way, professionally and personally. 

8th to 15th December – Between 8th & 11th A good phase to clear up misunderstandings and also get any pending paper work out of the way, a lot can be accomplished with the least amount of stress. Love life picks up as you find yourself spending more time with someone special. Singles can feel they’ve found a soul mate.  Between 12th & 13th feeling of inexpiable anxiety may trouble you.   Discuss your concerns with empathetic well wishers to let out steam and to get insights regarding your issues.  Between 14th & 15th despite expenses your budget will remain stable.  You'll be committed to have a simple but principled life.  The atmosphere of your house will be very peaceful.  

16th to 23rd December – Between 16th & 17th avoid crossing swords with influential persons even if there seems to be unnecessary provocation from other side. It is not a disgrace to avoid being provoked –great warriors always choose their fights intelligently and bid their time to get even.  Between 18th & 19th you’ll enrich your knowledge and feel intellectually much advanced.  This is a great time for undertaking feasibility studies & project appraisals. You will come across opportunities to have intellectual conversations. Between 20th & 21st enjoy your personal space and private time. If feeling restless or still thinking of what else you should have or be doing, set all that aside and love your life here and now. Between 22nd & 23rd there might be an increase in spending, which might put pressure on your financial planning. Make a priority list and budget your money properly. Avoid speculative endeavours if you want to increase your income.

24th to 31st December – Between 24th & 26th might be better for your academic endeavors, but you must make an effort to focus your energies in the proper direction if you want to succeed. You may continue to have favourable planetary conditions. Between 27th & 28th Try to be more understanding of your family's elders' perspectives. You must strive to keep the peace and harmony in your household.

One who is single should be eager to form a romantic relationship with a lifelong buddy. Planetary motion appears to support singles on this count. Between 29th & 31st there may be some complicated situations, but with your wise decisions, you may feel more effective in your working life. Business people may have some fantastic prospects for growth and gain.


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