Monthly Horoscope for October 2024

Attention: Kindly note that these are general and broad predictions based on planetary movements and placement of stars in houses applicable to millions of persons across the world having the same sun sign. For precise predictions for individuals, your precise time, date and place of birth is needed. We will make your horoscope and conduct detailed analysis. Contact us to know your future in 2024

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Our Predictions


(March 21-April 19 )
(April 20-May 20)
(May 21- June 21)
(June 22-July 22)
(July 23-August 22)
(August 23-Sept 22)
(September 23-October 22)
(October 23-November 21)
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Capricorn
(December 22- January 19)
(January 20-February 18)
(February 19-March 20)


March 21 - April 19

1st to 7th October: On 1st & 2nd you may decide upon a bold approach at work. You may even come up with innovative ideas and opinions. On 3rd & 4th old cause of worries may be removed. Service and studies result may give you delight.  Between 5th & 7th Meetings with the loved ones may enhance your happiness.  Music, literature may rivet your interest. 

8th to 15th October:  On 8th & 9th good news regarding educational pursuits will be received. You’ll love to take up challenging task.  On 10th & 11th your health may be a little indifferent. Work on releasing pent up stress and resentment.  An emotional set back may upset you a bit.  On 12th & 13th love, romance may freshen your mood to indulge in some constructive work.  You may feel relieved by expressing your emotions.  On 14th & 15th your biggest challenge may come from a feeling of being treated unfairly, not getting your due. Understand yourself better and realise there will always be people who are jealous of you because you have something they don’t.

16th to 23rd October:  On 16th & 18thYou’re eager to move ahead, and there’s a strong desire to break free from the bonds of the past. With this kind of energy watch the impulses, don’t give in to the temptation to quit, walk away from a toxic relationship just yet. Between 18th & 20th Rest, recharge and recalibrate. Too many work demands and too much socializing has drained you. And it would be wise to simply withdraw for a while. Between 21st & 23rd you’ll score victory in your government related pursuits. You’ll feel relief in spiritual pursuits at this time. Meditation and alternative therapies like yoga and energy healing will be greatly beneficial in this period

24th to 31st October:  On 24th and 25th financially, you may get distracted to maintain your budget. So, you may need to explore a proper plan. On 26th & 27th the beginning of a positive phase of smooth transactions and negotiations, things go in your favour.  This shall be an ideal time for finalizing landed property and vehicle deals. On 28th & 29th some family issue will be discussed openly. Love and congeniality shall mark the family atmosphere. On 30th & 31st you’ll feel happy with your success in becoming more popular.  Work with ease to get the desired results.

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April 20 - May 20

1st to 7th October: On 1st & 2nd your sportsman spirit will find its way into both your professional and personal life. Avoid taking decisions alone. Your partner will make the things easier for you.  Between 2nd & 4th is an ideal time for you to indulge in studies and research work.  Your intellectual capacity will be honed.  Good opportunities for profession will be received. Between 5th & 7th Travel is on the cards. Literally or metaphorically, you could move to better climes and times. Open your mind to new perspectives. And you may even consider a transfer or relocation to a new place.

8th to 15th October: on 8th & 9th your energy levels are high and it’s time to put it to good use. You will have monetary gains. Growing contacts will prove quite fruitful.  On 10th & 11th a great time to learn something new. You may decide to go in for further studies or attend a workshop. On 12th & 13th your inability to express yourself fully may lead to some misunderstanding with your close ones. You should try to clear the same without compromising much in the process.  Adopt the path of golden mean to serve your both ends.  On 14th & 15th in your rush to complete deadlines you may make some costly mistakes. If things aren’t going your way, speak up and do not fear criticism.

16th to 23rd October: Between 16th & 18th may go through certain mood swings. It may bear an impact upon your overall performance and wellbeing. Money matters show a need to be a little cautious especially while lending or borrowing. Between 16th & 18th if you have been working on an action plan for a long time, you will get good results in it. Students who are preparing for exam competition may get some good news. During this time, you will be seen.  On 19th & 20th some minor health problem may surface, though you’ll feel full of agility. Be cautious when driving   and watch over your valuables, as household items might get damaged. Between 21st & 23rd you are advised to remain patient and calm while having conversations. You are advised to remain committed to your words and refrain from changing plans at your convenience.   

24th to 31st October:  Between 24th & 26th your colleagues will be quite helpful to make you progress. You’ll try a lot to publicize your work through various media and may think about its vital points. Between 27th & 29th those who are married may feel their relationship breaking apart. It would be time for you to make the right calls. If you are stuck in a legal dispute of your relationship, you may require taking some hard stances. On 30th & 31st children related worry may trouble you; it could be their marriage or studies. Health of a senior family member’s may also deteriorate.

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May 21 - June 21

1st to 7th October:  Between 1st and 3rd some bumps in your love life. There could be communication problems or misunderstandings. Make sure to talk clearly and openly to avoid conflicts. If you're single, be careful when starting new relationships and make sure you’re really compatible. On 4th and 5thchange in conditions and circumstances is expected. Love relations will be full of happiness. Do not let financial matters spoil the amiability of dynamics with close associates & family members.  On 6th & 7th Happiness and income from children will be good. You will get a chance to engage in religious work and will meet eminent people.

8th to 15th October:  On 8th & 9th Business will gather momentum and you’ll do all your work with your tact and prudence easily. On 10th and 11th much futile running around is possible. Your income might be lower due to the Moon being in a challenging position. You may face some problems, experience a lack of cooperation, and have unnecessary expenses.  On 12th and 13th you shall give more emphasis on establishing family tradition and values. You will actively participate in religious activities, and your faith in spirituality will grow stronger. On 14th and 15th those in the service sector will perform better, and cooperation from colleagues will continue. Personal tasks may be impacted, and stay cautious in new contracts. Partnerships will remain supportive.   

16th to 23rd October:  Between 16th & 18th keep your tongue and temper in check.  Mild banter may develop into a confrontation. Avoid being too much greedy and possessive. On 19th and 20th the property related dispute may be favourably settled. You’ll have your good hold and awe in government circles.  Between 21st and 23rd attending a seminar may be a blessing in disguise as you speak with authority and confidence thus enhancing your career prospects. A new source of income could generate, bringing an improvement in financial health.

24th to 31st October:  Between 24th and 26th Keeping family’s interests supreme in mind would prevent you from hurting their sentiments. You will show a spirit of sacrifice in love. You will feel comfortable expressing your feelings, and mutual trust will be strengthened. Obstacles in relationships will be removed, and you will take the lead in maintaining connections. Between 27th and 29th you are likely to be spiritually inclined and experience spiritual bliss along with mental alertness. Joining a vocational course would help in gearing up to meet the requirements of the job in future. It is an auspicious time for investing in long-term beneficial schemes but with a little care. The last two dates of the month, 30th and 31st will prove lucky.  Work-related travel would be beneficial and so would be a long-distance one, so do not hesitate. Prospects of getting a piece of property at bargain price look bright.

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June 22 - July 22

1st to 7th October: On 1st and 2nd. Large-scale efforts will gain momentum, and you will place trust in friends and colleagues. Managerial tasks will progress, and profit percentages will remain good. Business relations will improve, but be cautious in contract. On 3rd and 4th avoid indulgence in speculation/shares lest you might lose more money. Owing to serve exhaustion and fatigue, your health may deteriorate. You must consult a physician without fall, lest it should aggravate into a major illness. Between 5th and 7thyou will be working hard and there is a lot of activity around you. You are very conscience about your duties towards your family and at times you may feel pensive as responsibilities may prove to be more demanding than expected. Do not feel so upset. Try to do your best.

8th to 15th October:  On 8th & 9th your almost completed job will develop snag.  Fatigue and uneasiness may upset you enough to make you not discharge your duties efficiently whose consequences you’ll suffer. On 10th and 11th you may have low resistance power which may affect your mental and physical health to some extent. Take care of your digestive system. Don’t allow anger or frustration to mount on you; else it will drain your energies faster. On 12th and 13th you will also be able to resolve some pending financial matters. You will be able to strike a profitable financial deal hence you may witness major improvement in your status.  On 14th and 15th due to the favourable impact of planets, you are likely to learn complicated subjects easily and hence will be able to perform effectively. This can be a good time to appear in competitive exams as chances of getting success are higher this time around.

16th to 23rd October:  Between 16th and 18th despite your capabilities, you’ll wander a little because you don’t know which direction you should advance in.  You may be criticized but you shouldn’t care about that and do your work honestly. You must keep yourself cool and act thoughtfully. On 19th and 20th is the perfect time to take a risk and follow your desires. Whether you are looking for love or already in a relationship, you are likely to feel bold and ready to take things to the next level. Between 21st to 23rd you may remain hassled sorting out problems at office and then at home. Your bosses may allow you certain concessions and this will ease things to some extent. Work will be much easier for you during this phase, as long as you are able to keep yourself motivated and disciplined.

24th to 31st October:  Between 24th and 266h drive your vehicle carefully as a mishap may occur due to lack of control. You will have a positive impact on your education. If you are planning to apply for abroad education, this can be a good phase to initiate the process. If you are planning to apply for abroad education, this can be a good phase to initiate the process. Between 27th and 29th you’ll try to help the needy ones in your willingness for participating in social welfare scheme, which shall brighten your image.  Drive your vehicle carefully as a mishap may occur due to lack of control.  On 30th and 31st Work will dominate your thinking, especially for those of you for whom there has been some sort of legal or ethical query lately, and even if you’re involved in unpaid, charitable activities.

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July 23 - August 22

1st to 7th October:   On 1st and 2nd is a very useful time to delve into religious and spiritual matters, putting your life into a larger and more meaningful context in the process. On 3rd and 4th stars will bless you with a lot of support that you need in your studies at the moment. A big opportunity may knock on your door. You will be doing the right thing by taking decisions based on logic rather than emotions or rather than the heart. Between 5th & 7th Patience will be required in this phase as you work through some disagreements and deal with some complicated issues. Keep your balance as you will be gradually experiencing a steady, upward surge of growth.

8th to 15th October:  On 8th & 9th it certainly looks like a changeable period, and even when you have set your heart on a particular course of action, you may have to change your mind yet again. On 10th & 11th you will have ample scope to interact with powerful personalities. You will also shine in social gatherings. If you are looking for any help or advice this may be the time to address it. Just ask for it without any ego getting in the way. On 12th and 13th all your money-earning endeavour will be successful.  Previous investment may also get you good dividend. On 14th & 15th expect some good news which will enliven your spirits, perhaps in the form of a raise or bonus or some other unexpected gains. Now it will be more important than ever to maintain your sense of equilibrium.

16th to 23rd October:  Between 16th & 18th on the academic front you seem to be on   the verge of achieving something big. Your confidence will rise and it will make you do many things that you were not capable of doing before.  On 19th and 20th hurdles in your work may sag your morale. You’ll become highly irritated. Health will also be not good.  But don’t be indifferent to your health, else serious complications may occur.  Between 21st and 23rd you may see some good deals coming your way if you are in business.  Be patient if there is some delay due to the impact of Saturn and never give up because giving up will never be a good option for you. Elderly family members will be especially considerate to you.  .

24th to 31st October:   On 24th and 25th expenses will mount. You will be beset by financial worries and plagued by financial insecurity. Average financial gains are on the cards but nothing much. Lower your expectations in order to avoid disappointments. Wait for the winds to change — it won’t take long. On 26th and 27th you may have good time at home.  New contacts will be established.  You’ll be full of verve and vitality.  On 28th and 29th your prowess is likely to be recognized by those who matter.  You receive an interview call and you may get success as well. On 30th and 31st you may take certain vital decisions.  New contacts for quicker success will be established. The unmarried may receive marriage proposals but actual solemnization of marriage may be delayed.

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August 23 - Sept 22

1st to 7th October:  On 1st and 2nd the students may get good results of their past efforts.  Your desired work will be accomplished to give you much mental satisfaction.   On 3rd & 4th review your budget and identify areas where you can save or invest more wisely. Unexpected expenses might arise, so having a contingency plan will be beneficial. The period between 5th and 7th may continue to be unfavorable.  May be drawn in some trouble, stay alert. You   need to have a firm grip on your state of mind and not allow other’s opinion affect you.

8th to 15th October:  On 8th and 9th Single should be open to new experiences and meeting new people; an unexpected encounter might turn into something meaningful. If you’re in a relationship, take the time to share your feelings and listen to your partner. On 10th and 11th family peace will be ensured. Better opportunities may wait for your grabbing them. Students will have the ability to come up with unusual and inventive ideas.  However, on 12th and 13th your natural instinct to take risks can pay off, but it’s crucial to be well-informed. Collaborating with a financial advisor could also provide valuable insights. Stay disciplined with your spending. On 14th and 15th it is better to be passive rather than aggressive sometimes. Do not be insecure about your winning capabilities. You enjoy the confidence of everyone. Instead of being negative, try to rise up to the expectation of everyone.

16th to 23rd October:  On 16th & 17th your efficiency will increase refrain from indulging in lottery or speculation. Your sweet speech shall carve out a nook in your society for you. On 17th and 18th Good terms with your boss is expected.  Some of you may get involved in religious work. You will find joy in communicating, learning and socializing.  On 19th and 21th if you have some plans regarding your life style, they could really turn wonderful. Redecoration or alterations are well starred. However, you must keep in mind that stars could play havoc with your expenses and fan your desires.  On 21st and 23rd you may have to   keep your feet firmly on the ground   to stem wasteful expenditure.  You may have to be more forthcoming in a matter, if you want an early solution.

24th to 31st October:  On 24th. & 25th period calls for balance and self-care health-wise. Your high energy levels are great, but make sure to not overextend yourself. Incorporate regular breaks and relaxation techniques into your routine to maintain your well-being. On 26th and 27th Social and political activities will draw your attention. You will succeed in making people gather a social cause. On 27th and 29th IT professionals will be lucky to win accolades from foreign clients. Entrepreneurs will be hopeful about expansion plans. Some children looking for admission to foreign universities will clear a hurdle.  Between 29th and 31st you’ll find multiple opportunities for personal and professional growth. Embrace these chances but remember to stay grounded and practical. Trust your instincts, as they will guide you to make the right decisions.

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Sept 23 - Oct 22

1st to 7th October: On 1st and 2nd excellent period for building deeper connections. Whether single or in a relationship, take the time to communicate openly and honestly with your partner or potential love interest. Emotional vulnerability will be rewarded with strengthened bonds.  On 3rd & 4th   listen to your body and don’t overexert yourself. Prioritizing self-care and relaxation will help you maintain a healthy equilibrium. Between 5th and 7th be careful in signing any document and refrain from working egoistically. You must feel contented with your achievements if you want to lessen your tension. 

8th to 15th October:  On 8th and 9th you will encounter situations that push you out of your comfort zone. Embrace these changes and allow yourself to grow and evolve. Between 10th and 12th New opportunities for income might come your way, possibly through a side project or investment. Be cautious and avoid impulsive decisions. Take time to evaluate the risks and benefits before committing to any financial ventures. Between 13th and 15th certain events may disrupt your relationships, leaving you somewhat unhappy due to unnecessary interference from family and friends. Instead of reacting with anger, it would be wise to address these issues maturely. The positive influence of Mercury may enable you to trust your instincts and inner guidance.

16th to 23rd October: On 16th & 17th you may feel a bit worried about your legal cases. Be patient and watch your rival’s moves closely.  Between 18th and 20th continued efforts in your studies will lead to rewards. Your vitality should be good this and you may begin to recover from past issues. Mercury will support your endeavors and likely present new opportunities for success and expand your educational horizons. Between 21st and 23rd an inauspicious start will make you get trapped in an unwanted controversy. Problems will confront you. Deadlocks can be broken by dynamic approach and adventurous moves

24th to 31st October:  Between 24th and 26th Minor medical issues will be there but the routine life will be unaffected. You must be careful about your diet.  Those who have a history of cardiac issues may develop complications. Manage your anxiety effectively. You can expect favorable planetary support for your health but it’s essential to eliminate any bad habits to keep your health stable. Between 27th and 29th the influence of the North node may lead to minor conflicts with some associates that can only be resolved if someone relinquishes something. Be cautious about making significant deals in your business, as you might feel tempted to sign without thoroughly reviewing the details, which could cause issues later. On 30th and 31st your enduring capacity is likely to be tested.  Don’t give up, if you don’t get the desired outcomes. Keep giving your best.

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Oct 23 - Nov 21

1st to 7th October:  On 1st and 2nd you will have a trying period.  May have some bitter experiences and know some bitter facts.  An unknown fear may assail your heart. On 3rd and 4th you may face a trying situation because your unwanted audacity and lack of confidence may not complete your material projects in due time. Between 5th and 7th Students pursuing basic education will be able to grasp complex topics easily. All this shall not only serve to help you better your grades in the long run but shall also play a pivotal role in uplifting your spirits.

8th to 15th October:  Not a good phase between 8th and 9th as love relations may become sour.  Keep your mind cool and avoid jealousy and the like emotions.  Challenges may make you nervous.  On 10th and 11th you can find yourself getting a much awaited interview call or a project which can be groundbreaking for your career if executed to perfection. On 12th and 13th your honour and prestige will rise with success received in any test or competition.  On 14th and 15th your relations with the high personages will grow warm. A chance of meeting with someone may turn into a relationship. 

16th to 23rd October:  Between 16th and 18th you will come up with multiple challenges.  Minor productivity issues will be there and a senior coworker may raise fingers at your performance. Improve communication skills to impress the client. On 19th and 20th with your elocutionary powers you’ll be able to strike a right balance between domestic and professional duties. In service you may get a hike or promotion. Between 21st and 23rd some of your cherished plans may become a reality.  Social prestige will rise and familial life will be quite sweet. Nubile candidates of the house may get marriage proposals. Some of them getting desired match will also lighten the burden from your heart.       

24th to 31st October:  Between 24th and 26th you will perform with excellence and get success if you are pursuing higher education. Barring some occasional disturbances everything else would be positive for you. You will also achieve appreciation due to your intellectual interests, hobbies or pursuits.  On 28th and 29th you may remain busy in reading, knowledge enhancing literature and in performing some religious rituals.  At work field you will be ready for any compromise. On 30th and 31st plan your finances well, and keep reserves for contingencies as the impact of South Node can be detrimental at times.

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Nov 22 - Dec 21

1st to 7th October:  On 1st and 2nd some senior member’s health may cause worry and add to your tension. Minor irritants will occur but undaunted you’ll move ahead. On 3rd and 4th Mars in Scorpio boosts your determination, making it an ideal time to chase your dreams with vigor. Be a caring person in the relationship and this will also help resolve the existing troubles. Between 5th and 7th you should not point fingers at the performance of a coworker as this can lead to ruckus within the team.Avoid controversies and focus on the performance. Those who are into creative sectors including arts will see new opportunities.

8th to 15th October:  On 8th and 9th Mercury's retrograde in Virgo may cause some delays Career-wise, so use this time to review and refine your plans. You know how to transform a crisis into an opportunity. On 10th and 11th Jupiter’s influence helps you tap into lucrative opportunities financially, but avoid impulsive investments. Those willing for transfer in service may get posted to their derived position. On 12th and 13th students will get their due results as per their expectation. You may be honoured by some social organization. On 14th and 15th if you’ve been avoiding making a commitment to someone you’re romantically involved with, you have to step up to the plate or end the relationship.

16th to 23rd October:  Between 16th and 18th the matter relating to sale and purchase problems will move towards solution. Old business associates may meet you to offer some very gainful proposals.  Between 18th and 20th it could be necessary to go back to people and circumstances that were once part of your life because they may well hold a key to resolving a problem and opening up new possibilities. Between 21st and 23rd Finances continue to be delicate, and this is no time to throw money at a situation that is limping along. Your energies are better spent creating new sources of income and investment.

24th to 31st October:  Between 24th and 26th It may also be a long time since your inner-child got a work out, so if you’ve been feeling sluggish and somewhat jaundiced with life (and love) deploying your playful spirit could make a positive difference across the board. Sometimes it’s the simple things that bring us the greatest joy.  Between 27th and 29th Full Moon in Taurus on October 28th encourages a balanced approach to wellness. Emotional well-being might see improvement enhancing your charm and attracting positive connections. Socially, it's a vibrant period, but remember to set boundaries to avoid burnout. Embrace change, stay adaptable, and trust your instincts.  On 30th and 31st you will be able to focus on your academics and should fare well in your examination due to much better planetary support especially if you are doing any research projects.

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Dec 22- Jan 19

1st to 7th October:  On 1st and 2nd there will be enough planetary support to boost your financial status. But a laid-back attitude can hurt growth prospects. On 3rd and 4th some of your callousness will be revealed making an economic pressure on you. Listen to your critics attentively so that the mistakes committed may not be repeated.  Between 5th and 7th   Mercury is likely to encourage you towards study and overseas opportunities and a broader horizon in your studies. You might need to lend support to your brother or sister if you learn that he or she is going through something troubling

8th to 15th October: On 8th and 9th you may feel quite upset.  Mounting expenditure may cause worry. Don't go for incurring loan as you won't be able to repay it in time. Between 10th and 12th there could be painful two way pull between domestic & and professional commitments. Your ability to balance these without doing injustice to either will be crucial during this period. Between 13th and 15th there could be positive developments career-wise. Sometimes, of course, we don’t recognize a good thing when we see it — we have our eyes set on a bigger and better outcome – however, a small shift can have a domino effect. So, celebrate a small victory because it is the sign of better things to come.

16th to 23rd October: Between 16thand 18th the retrograde Saturn in your sign may occasionally disturb you.  Have confidence and don’t get misled. Keep a check on your mood swings and think more logically about matters. Between 19th and 21st your financial sources will be consolidated.  There can be some tricky situations which may require extra caution. On 22nd and 23rd you will see the difference between dreams and reality. Mercury is going to favour your efforts, and likely to bring you some new opportunities for success and the widening horizons in your education.

24th to 31st October:  Between 24th to 26thyou’ll need to be prepared for delays and detours. Likewise, don’t expect people to respond to you in a hurry. Don’t undersell yourself, whether you’re looking for love or work.   Between 27th and 29th you will get some opportunities for progress. But, rash decisions may land you in troubles.  Those doing business are likely to get some good opportunities to expand the foundation of business. It will help you to implement your plans in step wise manner and prepare for higher growth in coming months. On 30th and 31st if you work beyond your capacity, it will adversely affect your health. You require proper rest or sleep. The planetary influences will help you handle your health in a better way.

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Jan 20 - Feb 18

1st to 7th October:   between 1st and 3rd you should be very vigilant about your family’s health. Some of you may go through stress due to your parents’ illness. You may need to provide proper medical attention to them. You should not take chances even if the health concern looks minor. On 4th and 5th you’ll show your grit in taking some very vital and hard decisions. You must value, appreciate and adore yourself. Excessive job pressure should be viewed as an opportunity to demonstrate your strengths rather than a source of concern. On 6th        and 7th you will need to be more adaptive and adjusting, in order to evade any conflicts in the marital domain. In case a dispute arises, you must take care to resolve it soon and as amicably as possible

8th to 15th October:  Between 8th and 10th singles may find someone who can fill the void of their life partner. Pay attention to your domestic duties.  This is a good time for trouble shooting activities.  Be direct & honest in your approach to all matters; devious strategies will backfire. Between 11th and 13th students may have an opportunity to study far away from home. Students may need to be diligent and creative in their studies. Get into deep research of the subjects. Between 14th and 15th you’ll get honour and enhanced reputation.   You will have enough energy to make the most of what the planets intend to shower on you.

16th to 23rd October: Between 16th to 18thYour vitality will be very high and you tend to take interest in sports and physical fitness. The impact of planets will boost your immune system and you will be very much comfortable with your health and fitness level. On 19th and 20th Taking professional decisions could be good for you and your work life and even better if you amend some important matters.  Between 21st and 23rd Times and events will change around you so that you may have to change a well thought out decision. You will not be able to follow the schedule that you had worked out earlier as something urgent and unpredictable will come up. This event is likely to affect all your short term plans.

24th to 31st October:  between 24th and 26th watch your posture while sitting. You are a little low in energy which might interfere with your ability to work either at home or work place. Majority of the tasks delegated to you will be need based. Hence it’s advisable to not take initiatives at work. Between 27th and 29th some unexpected and demanding task will come up but you will handle it very well and will soon earn the praise of everyone. It can be your boss handing you an assignment in the last minute. Whatever be the situation, you will be able to call up on your reserve and rise to the task. On 30th and 31st adjustments will be the key to ensuring a happy love life. Managing emotional issues will be easy once you get the support from your loved ones.

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Feb 19 - March 20

1st to 7th October:  Between 1st and 3rd is a good time for working on things that require intense concentration but can be accomplished working all alone. Court cases will have a favourable slant, though the decision may take time to come out.   On 4th and 5th your partner is not going to be in a mood for adjustments and settlements. Hence it is vital for you to hold your ego in check and not raise any controversial issues. Minor disagreements will blow up into full fledged quarrels as your partner will not concede a single point to you. On 6th and 7th be prepared to take a few calculated risks.  Success comes only to those who dare and act, it seldom goes to timid!

8th to 15th October:  Between 8th and 10th your love life is expected to be smooth provided you build an understanding level with your partner. Keep control over your aggression and be gentle towards your lover. Give respect to their opinions and try to understand their points rather than just forcing your decisions.  Between 11th and 13th    some big responsibility may be given to you. You would be well appreciated if you give some degree of credit to all those who have put in effort. Be attentive about your duties and do not take chance.  On 14th and 15th you will be very possessive about people and things consequently, you are likely to feel suspicious, uncertain and insecure about everything, particularly people.

16th to 23rd October:  Between 16th to 18th unemployed may find a job. You’ll have new sources of income. Some important financial dealings may have strong positive impact on your financial fortune.  On 19th and 20th you will have great time socializing. Being more flexible will help you maintain your personal relationships as well. Between 21st and 23rd you’ll be blessed by your seniors and shall feel quite close to them. You might also get into a short skill enhancement course. Use the power of knowledge and channelize your activities to make sure you do your best. Those in the journalism field would do well, elevating their position among peers.

24th to 31st October:  between 24th and 26th your children’s education may engage you fully. You will spend more time on your family discussing matter of importance. You will feel quite contended and mentally peaceful finding a right balance between your domestic and professional life.  Between 27th and 29th you will be focused and active. Focus will be on money matters. You will plan in a calculating manner and will not allow money to be parted from your pocket. On  30th and 31st s a good time for students. There will be a lot of support and encouragement from teachers.

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Rahu Kaal October 2024

RAHU KAAL means Bad Time during the day (Avoid doing anything during this brief period)

Panchang October 2024

Panchang October 2024

Sign of the Month: Scorpio

Sign of the Month: Scorpio

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Monthly Horoscope for October 2024

Monthly Horoscope for October 2024