March 21 - April 19 |
Scorpio and Aries: a water and fire sign together. What a team! They are both explosive. Fire with water creates a highly charged association. Mars rules both these signs. Aries will not charge full speed ahead with a Scorpio, as is normally their nature. They may try but instinctively, and luckily for them, they know not to push. ... The relationship can be considered as odd. Aries will respect and find the best way to deal with a Scorpion.. Aries will deal much better with a Scorpio than a Scorpio would with an Aries. Aries does not suspect the secretive ways of Scorpio. . Scorpio is easily hurt by Aries' spontaneity and candor. Excellent for teamwork. It depends on the individual maturity of Aries & Scorpio. There is attraction. You are drawn to each other. The problems can be overcome. It is worth trying
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April 20 - May 20 |
Scorpio and Taurus: a water and earth sign together. They have a few strikes against them in the form of rigidity, jealousy, and suspicion. This pairing believes in hard work, unquestioned loyalty, and power of mind, body, and spirit. On the astrological wheel, they are opposite each other. Opposites really do attract. Taurus and Scorpio tend to be intensely passionate at first, but both love to control. Scorpio is secretive, needs challenge, and loves to spend huge amounts of time alone. The opposite, Taurus, needs security. They are sophisticated with entertaining and communication. This pair can be the perfect match or the worst warriors.
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May 21 - June 21 |
Scorpio and Gemini: a water and air sign together! The dramatic Scorpions love to work their magic on Gemini, pinning down the twinkle-toed Gemini. This is a good working relationship, but there are personal problems. Gemini's need freedom and the possessive Scorpio may have a problem to control his/her Gemini. Scorpios enjoy the chase, almost as much as they enjoy the final surrender. If and when these two finally come together, they often have a hard time staying together. This. Relationship is constructive, though not always durable. To make it last, it is necessary to take a long-range view, to overcome petty annoyances & to perceive the many charms of Gemini. It's not an easy relationship, unless their moon or rising signs are compatible.
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June 22 - July 22 |
Scorpio and Cancer: two water signs together. These two are naturally drawn to each other since water and water flows easily together. Chances for harmony are high. But this element is related to feelings & emotions. These rather than facts & logic will predominate. They are both very intuitive and feel each other's needs, just like the tides. Cancer tends to be moody, and a Scorpion sting can result in hypersensitivity. The evolvement is gradual, But the progress is steady. If patient and perceptive, mature & receptive, both find greater happiness & fulfillment as a result of their association with each other. In actuality, Scorpio, of course, it is up to you.
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July 23 - August 22 |
Scorpio and Leo: a water and fire sign together. This one is a toss up! Both are decisive leaders and this is where tensions will lie. You share a huge respect for each other, as well as a protective loyalty. Also shared is a love of drama, and by drama we mean dramatic scenes. At first glance, it may seem like the Lion rules the den. We must not forget that Scorpios are secretive and will lie and wait for an opportune moment to strike back when they feel miffed. These two don't fight, they war. Leo, frank & open will not understand Scorpio’s secret, subtle maneuvers and will disapprove of them into the bargain. .Open & clear line of communication between the two can bring the success & strength to this relationship
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August 23-Sept 23 |
Scorpio and Virgo: a water and earth sign together. The fact Virgo criticizes everything and always gives advice, does not fare well with Scorpio. Scorpios are vulnerable and ultra-sensitive to any kind of nagging, scolding or criticizing. They despise being analyzed or categorized. Can we see the potential explosiveness here? These two will respect and admire each other from afar, but they are not of one mind in affairs of the heart. This depends on the individual Virgo & Scorpio also. If mature, they can overcome the negative & accent the positive. Friendship is a two way street & this is a lesson pushed home by relationship
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Sept 24 - Oct 23 |
Scorpio and Libra: a water and air sign together. Feminine venues & masculine mars create a strong physical, emotional & sexual attraction. Libra lightens your touch & transforms you into a romantic. Scorpio's great flair for intensity and drama can often bewilder and confuse the carefully balanced Libra. The Libra is not by any means a cool and insensitive person; it's just that Scorpio can often be intense to the point of being intimidating. Libra's detached aloofness can sometimes infuriate the possessive Scorpion, just as a Scorpio's moodiness, and secret ways can throw a Libra off balance. These differences are not monumental and emotional ties between the two of you tend to be very strong. Now, Libra is not perfect, nor are you. But together, there is chemistry in both which could ignite into a permanent attraction. Obviously, there is much that is favorable to commend this association.
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Oct 24 - Nov 21 |
Scorpio and Scorpio: two water sign together. These two horoscope signs are keenly aware of each other’s power, and rightfully so. This pairing of zodiac signs is as powerful as it gets in the Cosmos. Scorpio with Scorpio will get along famously. So happy are they to finally find someone who understands them completely, and without prying and probing, just naturally. In the astrological scheme of things, Scorpios are overly proficient at guerilla warfare, and know how to strike where it hurts. Too much lashing out and fighting to the death will not make this an ideal long term relationship. Two people with such driving force will achieve great things if goals agree. If not, violent clashes are likely. Hopefully, if their moon or rising signs are compatible this relationship will last to death.
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Nov 22 - Dec 21 |
Scorpio and Sagittarius: a water and fire sign together. How different are we? Let me count the ways. This pair of astrological signs asks this question all the time. A Sagittarius is often lighthearted, jovial, and open. Scorpios are myopic, intensely private and quiet. Sagittarius interprets Scorpio's intensity as dark and brooding, and in general sees him as just a downer. Sagittarius will at first try to cheer up his beloved Scorpio, but gets discouraged easily when this doesn't work and often skips off to the next party. There usually is a strong attraction at first between these two astrological signs, usually sexual. Unfortunately, it tends to fizzle out when they get down to the real nuts and bolts of running the relationship. Not a big winning combo in the zodiacal scheme of things.
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Dec 22- Jan 19 |
Scorpio and Capricorn: a water and earth sign together. This is a secret love at first sight attraction...at least according to our astrology charts. Both of you are very secretive and careful about revealing feelings. If you can be patient and let this relationship grow, it could be a wonderful thing. You share a need for a quiet, intelligent partner who is not too demanding. Scorpios tend to be more passionate and intense than Capricorn, and sometimes a Scorpio will balk at the Capricorn's lack of emotion. This could lead to drama scenes created in order to get the Capricorn to react. t. Scorpio is powerful & Capricorn is steady, and can be discipline-conscious. Properly harnessed this combination can spell success. Bringing sensitivity & understanding in this combination on a very regular basis would make all the difference.
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Jan 20 - Feb 18 |
Scorpio and Aquarius; a water and air sign together. Two very different elements and lots of tension. Aquarius will look at Scorpios very curiously and without much understanding of their intensity, temperament, or passion. The truth is, to be looked at like an animal in a zoo will drive a Scorpio insane. That along with the Aquarius aloofness, indecisiveness, and patronizing tone of voice when confronted with high drama infuriates Scorpios. It's a wonder these two ever made it together in the first place; their thinking being so opposite, except if their moon or rising signs are compatible. Both of you are very secretive and careful about revealing feelings. Scorpions! If you are seeking instant happiness, Aquarius is not for you. If you are willing to wait this relationship could prove constructive. If you can be patient and let this relationship grow, it could be a wonderful thing.
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Feb 19 - March 20 |
Scorpio and Pisces: two water signs together. Both are impressionable; some claim that both Pisces & Scorpio possess extrasensory perception. . If ever there was a chance for soul fusion, I would pick these two water signs to live it out. Scorpios and Pisces can be extraordinarily in tune with each other...sometimes to the extent of being telepathic. They both exist on a high frequency channel of emotion, sensitivity and passion. There is great attraction here. They create a romantic aura &, once Scorpio & Pisces get together, it takes a storm of considerable proportions to separate them. Scorpio has an inbuilt desire to dominate or conquer something, so needs others to succumb. Pisces can give the impression of being submissive but, in reality, often it is a devious maneuver. Pisces can soothe the inner tensions, compelling desires & compulsive strivings within Scorpio. Each intuitively senses the other’s moods, needs, fears & faults. This could be a permanent relationship; it is loaded with emotional dynamite. Knowing this, don’t play games with Pisces. e. Be direct with your Fish. .
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